Hello!  Because you landed here, I assume you're a curious being in search of answers to the question— who is this person!?

I was born and raised in Mumbai, India.  I currently live in Seattle, WA.  I'm a software engineer by trade, but sometimes I like to joke and say I'm an author — because I write code.  Or I'm a designer — I design computer systems.  Or I'm an architectof software.  Most of my work is proprietary software, but sometimes I like to contribute to free open source software: https://github.com/shobitb

And sometimes I make music (not a metaphor this time).  Here are some samples: https://soundcloud.com/shobit-makes-music.  Reach out if you want to collaborate.  I'm also open to remote virtual jams, like this offline jam with a friend from Japan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r8FAcGpR_0

I like bbq, barbells, Bitcoin, and blues music.  I'm also a lifelong learner and I enjoy reading and learning about various things, including consciousness and philosophy of the human mind, Austrian economics, music theory and guitar, how to think well, exercise science and strengthI also think dogs are the absolute best thing in the world.  Here you can find some things that have touched my soul.

I have recently come to realize and strongly believe that the most important thing in life is to understand through experience the absolute, true nature of reality, and of oneself, and to then live in accordance with it.

If you also happen to like some of these things, reach out;  I like getting to know peopleMy email in reverse Polish notation is:  shobitb gmail @ com .

Otherwise here's my LinkedIn, if that's your kind of thing:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/shobit-beltangdy-5b018737/